It provides up-to-date information about various immunology-related events in Finland.
The Events page includes information about upcoming meetings, congresses, etc. in Finland. We also provide information about meetings held abroad and other events, such as open post-doc positions, etc.
If you would like to add an event or a notification on our website, please contact our secretary Tapio Lönnberg (tapio.lonnberg at
Suomen Immunologiayhdistyksen – Finlands immunologiföreningin perustava kokous pidettiin 22.11.1974 Meilahden Lääketieteellisten Teoreettisten laitosten luentosalissa. Kokouksessa oli läsnä 38 henkilöä. Perustajajäsenia oli 53. Johtokunnann kokoonpanoksi valittiin: Pj Odd Wager (varamies Jorma Räsänen), varapj Olli Mäkelä (varamies Marja Lehtinen), sekä jäseniksi Kauko Kouvalainen, Paavo Toivanen, Juhani Leikola ja Sirkka Kontiainen, sekä heille henkikökohtaisiksi varamiehiksi: Veijo Raunio, Jussi Eskola, Jukka Koistinen sekä Timo Kosunen. 10.12.1974 Suomen Immunologiayhdistys (58 jäsentä) liittyi kolleektiivijäsenenä Scandinavian Society for Immunology’iin. Yhdistys rekisteröitiin 18.03.1975
Section 1 The name of the society is Suomen Immunologiayhdistys – Finlands Immunologiförening, and it is based in the City of Helsinki.
Section 2 The purpose of the society is to promote immunological research, dissemination of immunological data, cooperation with Finnish and foreign partners in the field of immunology as well as information exchange between basic and applied immunology and clinical and theoretical sciences related to immunology. In order to achieve this, the society will arrange courses, congresses and lectures, provide expert opinions in the field of immunology upon request, propose initiatives to labour market organisations and the authorities and provide education in the field. The society may also provide grants and awards to immunology researchers, engage in publishing in the field of immunology and arrange fund-raising sweepstakes or similar activities to finance its operation.
The society belongs to the Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI), and therefore to the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). The Finnish National Committee is connected to the society. Its task is to bring together the national science community and international science associations and researcher communities in the field. The Finnish National Committee consists of a chairperson and eight members. The members of the Finnish National Committee are elected by the annual meeting of the society. The Finnish National Committee can decide how to conduct its internal activities, and legal acts conducted by the Finnish National Committee have to be approved by the Executive Committee. The action plan of the Finnish National Committee will be attached to the action plan of the society. The society's Executive Committee shall approve the separate financial statements and the annual report of the Finnish National Committee. The financial statements and the annual report of the Finnish National Committee are included in the financial statements and the annual report of the society.
Yhdistys kuuluu the Scandinavian Society for Immunology:iin (SSI), mitä kautta myös European Federation of Immunological Societies:iin (EFIS) ja International Union of Immunological Societies:iin (IUIS).
Yhdistyksen yhteydessä toimii Suomen Immunologian kansalliskomitea, jonka tehtävänä on yhdistää kansallinen tiedeyhteisö alan kansainvälisiin tiedejärjestöihin ja tutkijayhteisöihin. Kansalliskomitean muodostavat puheenjohtaja ja kahdeksan jäsentä. Kansalliskomitean jäsenet valitaan yhdistyksen vuosikokouksessa. Kansalliskomitea voi päättää sisäisestä toiminnastaan niin, että kansalliskomitean tekemät oikeustoimet vahvistetaan yhdistyksen hallituksessa.
Kansalliskomitean toimintasuunnitelma liitetään yhdistyksen toimintasuunnitelmaan.
Yhdistyksen hallituksen on hyväksyttävä erillinen kansalliskomitean tilinpäätös ja vuosikertomus. Kansalliskomitean tilinpäätös ja vuosikertomus sisältyvät yhdistyksen tilinpäätökseen ja vuosikertomukseen.
Section 3 Anyone interested in immunology can join the society. Juridical persons can join as a supportive member.
Section 4 New members are approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 5 A member is entitled to resign from the society within three months of informing the Executive Committee or its chairperson thereof in writing or of giving a notice thereof at a meeting of the association for entry in the minutes.
Upon proposal by the Executive Committee, a meeting of the society may expel a member who has failed to pay the membership within six months of it becoming due or whose actions are contrary to the purpose of the society or who damages the reputation of the society.
Section 6 The society may admit distinguished individuals as honorary members. This is decided by a meeting of the society by a majority of three quarters of votes on proposal by the Executive Committee.
Section 7 The society is allowed to collect membership fees from its members.
Section 8 The annual meeting of the society shall be held in August–November, and it shall address the following issues:
1) Presentation of the annual report, financial statements and the auditors'/operations inspectors' report;
2) Approval of the financial statements of the previous financial year;
3) Decision to grant discharge to the Executive Committee or decision of possible measures required by the management or accounting of the society;
4) Decision on the amount of the membership fee and approval of the operating and financial plan for the current year;
5) Election of the members of the Executive Committee;
6) Appointment of two auditors or operations inspectors and their personal deputies
Section 9 An extraordinary meeting of the society shall be convened when the Executive Committee considers it justified or at least one tenth of the members demand an extraordinary meeting to discuss a separately stated issue.
Section 10 A notice of meeting shall be sent out to the members at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The meeting has a quorum when it has been convened in accordance with the rules of the society.
Section 11 The Executive Committee consists of the chairperson and eight members. The term of the members of the Executive Committee is four years. A member of the Executive Committee can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive terms. If a member of the Executive Committee resigns or is expelled during the term, the next annual meeting of the society shall appoint a new Executive Committee member to fill the vacancy until the end of the term. The Executive Committee shall elect from its members a chairperson, a vice chair, a secretary and a treasurer. The Executive Committee is in quorum when at least five members are present in the meeting.
Hallitus valitsee keskuudestaan puheenjohtajan, varapuheenjohtajan, sihteerin ja rahastonhoitajan.
Hallitus on päätösvaltainen kun vähintään viisi jäsentä osallistuu kokoukseen.
Section 12 The chairperson of the society has the right to sign alone on behalf of the society and the vice-chair has the right to sign together with the secretary or a member of the Executive Committee.
Section 13 The financial year of the society is the calendar year,
The financial statements and the annual report for the previous financial year shall be prepared and submitted to the auditors/operations inspectors at least one month before the annual meeting.
Section 14 The auditors/operations inspectors shall submit their written report to the Board of Directors at least two weeks before the annual meeting.
Section 15 The rules of the society may be amended by unanimous decision in one meeting or two meetings held at least one month apart by majority of two thirds of the votes. The amendment shall be approved in the same form in both meetings. Amendment of the rules shall be indicated in the invitation to the meeting.
Section 16 Unless otherwise stated in the rules, the opinion supported by the majority of votes shall win. If the votes are even, the issue shall be resolved by the drawing of lots in case of election. Otherwise, the vote of the chairperson is decisive. Supportive members do not have a right to vote.
Section 17 Dissolution of the society can be decided in two meetings held at least two months apart by majority of three quarters of the casted votes. Dissolution shall be indicated in the invitation to the meeting. In case of dissolution, the funds of the society shall be used in accordance with the purpose of the society, as decided by a meeting of the society.
Section 18 Otherwise, the operation of the society shall follow the existing laws.
13§ Yhdistyksen tilikautena on kalenterivuosi.
Tilinpäätös ja vuosikertomus edelliseltä vuodelta on valmistettava ja annettava tilintarkastajille/toiminnantarkastajille viimeistään kuukausi ennen vuosikokousta.
14§ Tilintarkastajien/toiminnantarkastajien tulee viimeistään kaksi viikkoa ennen vuosikokousta antaa johtokunnalle kirjallinen, yhdistyksen vuosikokoukselle osoitettu kertomus toimittamastaan hallinnon ja tilien tarkastuksesta.
15§ Yhdistyksen sääntöjen muuttamisesta päätetään yksimielisesti yhdessä kokouksessa tai kahdessa vähintään kuukauden välein pidettävässä kokouksessa vähintään kahden kolmasosan äänten enemmistöllä. Muutos on hyväksyttävä samassa muodossa kummassakin kokouksessa. Sääntöjen muuttamisesta on kokouskutsussa mainittava.
16§ Ellei säännöissä toisin sanota, äänestyksessä voittaa se mielipide, jonka puolesta useimmat ovat äänestäneet. Äänten mennessä tasan ratkaisee vaaleissa arpa, muutoin puheenjohtajan kanta.
Kannattajajäsenillä ei ole äänioikeutta.
17§ Yhdistyksen purkamisesta päätetään kahdessa, vähintään kahden kuukauden väliajalla pidettävässä yhdistyksen kokouksessa kolmen neljänneksen äänten enemmistöllä luettuna annettujen äänten määrästä. Purkamisesta on kokouskutsusta mainittava.
Yhdistyksen purkautuessa sen varat käytetään yhdistyksen tarkoitusperien mukaiseen toimintaan siten kun yhdistyksen kokous päättää.
18§ Muutoin yhdistyksen toiminnassa noudatetaan voimassa olevia lain säännöksiä.