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Immunology seminar series


June 4th online at 14 – 15 (Finland time)

Virtual event


Mihai Netea, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands: “Trained immunity – a memory for innate host defense”

Please register latest June 3rd at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/2FB4958BE8EB467A

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[at]utu.fi )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  ( ankahy[at]utu.fi ) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[at]utu.fi ), University of Turku.


Mihai Netea was born and studied medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He completed his PhD at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on studies investigating the cytokine network in sepsis. After working as a post-doc at the University of Colorado, he returned to Nijmegen where he finished his clinical training as an infectious diseases specialist, and where he currently heads the division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Nijmegen University Nijmegen Medical Center. He is mainly interested in understanding the memory traits of innate immunity (trained immunity), the factors influencing variability of human immune responses, and the immune dysregulation during bacterial and fungal infections. He is the recipient of the Spinoza Prize 2016 and an ERC Advanced grant in 2019, and since 2016 he is a member of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW).

Selected publications:

  1. Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Tsilika M, Moorlag S, … , Papadopoulos A, Netea MG. Activate: Randomized Clinical Trial of BCG Vaccination against Infection in the Elderly. 2020 Oct 15;183(2):315-323.e9
  1. Katzmarski N, Domínguez-Andrés J, Cirovic B, … Schultze JL, Roger T, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Schlitzer A, Netea MG. Transmission of trained immunity and heterologous resistance to infections across generations. Nat Immunol. 2021 Nov;22(11):1382-1390
  2. Bekkering S, Arts RJW, … , Stunnenberg H, Riksen NP, Netea MG. Metabolic Induction of Trained Immunity through the Mevalonate Pathway. Cell. 2018; 172:135-146
  1. Mitroulis I, Ruppova K, Wang B, … , Hajishengallis G, Netea MG, Chavakis T. Modulation of Myelopoiesis Progenitors Is an Integral Component of Trained Immunity. 2018; 172:147-161
  2. Netea MG, Joosten LA, Latz E, Mills KH, Natoli G, Stunnenberg HG, O’Neill LA, Xavier RJ. Trained immunity: A program of innate immune memory in health and disease. 2016 Apr 22;352(6284):aaf1098


May 7th, 2024, online at 14-15: Katri Lindfors

Katri Lindfors, Celiac Disease Research Center, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University: Phenotypic spectrum of celiac disease – a quest for underlying mechanisms

Please register latest May 6th at  https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/EE67FF858AC0A584

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  ( ankahy[ät]utu.fi ) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ), University of Turku.


Katri Lindfors is a professor of molecular biology and the vice director of Celiac Disease Research Center at Tampere University. She is a member of the organizing committee of the Tampere Celiac Disease Symposium, the scientific advisory board of the patient organization Finnish Celiac Society and International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.

She has conducted translational celiac disease research over 20 years and published over 100 peer-reviewed articles. Her previous work has contributed to the understanding of factors involved in celiac disease pathogenesis including the potential role of enteroviruses as a triggering factor and the biological functions of celiac disease specific autoantibodies targeting a self-protein transglutaminase 2 (TG2).  Currently her group focuses on identifying factors contributing to the heterogenous clinical picture of celiac disease using dermatitis herpetiformis, the skin manifestation of celiac disease, as a model phenotype. Up to now, her results indicate that in addition to a distinct genetic predisposition, an autoimmune response against a TG3, a homologue of celiac disease autoantigen TG2 is implicated in dermatitis herpetiformis. Ongoing studies are addressing the questions whether dermatitis herpetiformis pathogenesis is initiated in the small bowel mucosa and how the disease spreads from gut to skin as a consequence of unrecognized and untreated celiac disease.


  • Das S, Stamnaes J, Kemppainen E, Hervonen K, Lundin KEA, Parmar N, Jahnsen FL, Jahnsen J, Lindfors K, Salmi T, Iversen R, Sollid LM. Separate Gut Plasma Cell Populations Produce Auto-Antibodies against Transglutaminase 2 and Transglutaminase 3 in Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2023;10:e2300401.  doi: 10.1002/advs.202300401.
  • Kalliokoski S, Mansikka E, de Kauwe A, Huhtala H, Saavalainen P, Kurppa K, Hervonen K, Reunala T, Kaukinen K, Salmi T, Lindfors K. Gliadin-induced ex vivo T cell response in dermatitis herpetiformis: A predictor of clinical relapse on gluten challenge? J Invest Dermatol, 2020;140:1867-1869.e2 doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2019.12.038.
  • Lindfors K, Ciacci C, Kurppa K, Lundin K, Makharia G, Mearin ML, Murray J, Verdu E, Kaukinen K. Coeliac Disease. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2019;5:3 DOI:10.1038/s41572-018-0054-z.
  • Hietikko M, Hervonen K, Salmi T, Ilus T, Zone JJ, Kaukinen K, Reunala T, Lindfors K. Disappearance of epidermal transglutaminase and IgA deposits from the papillary dermis of dermatitis herpetiformis patients after a long-term gluten-free diet. Brit J Dermatol 2018;178:e198-e201. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15995.



 April  2nd 2024 online at 14 – 15 (Finland time)

Heinz Wiendl, Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology at Muenster University, Germany: Compartment-specific phenotyping in neuroimmunological diseases

Register latest April 2nd  at  https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/AD357EFC02EF5DB2

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  ( ankahy@utu.fi ) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes@utu.fi ), University of Turku.




Heinz Wiendl studied medicine in Germany, Switzerland, and the USA, graduating in 1996. After working as a research fellow at the Institute of Neuroanatomy, Nuremberg, and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology and the Department of Neurology, Tuebingen, he became head of the clinical research group for multiple sclerosis (MS) in Wuerzburg in 2005 and acted as a vice-chair of the Department of Neurology. In 2010, he was recruited to the University Hospital Muenster as director of the Department of Neurology – Inflammatory Disorders of the Nervous System and Neurooncology. Since 2013, Prof. Wiendl serves as head of the Department of Neurology, Muenster – to which the Institute of Translational Neurology has been associated since 2018. His research focuses on inflammatory neurodegeneration and immune regulation and protection as well as monitoring MS and its therapy. His achievements have been recognized by both Sobek awards of the German Society for MS (DMSG) (2004; 2015). In 2017, he was appointed Honorary Professor at Sydney Medical School and in 2020 he received an honorary doctorate from the Medical Faculty of Masshad/Iran.

Heinz Wiendl is a member of numerous scientific and academic advisory boards and expert panels, including editorial boards of international scientific journals in the fields of neurology, neurosciences, and immunology, as well as for societies, foundations, and project promoters. Currently, he is the speaker of the Collaborative Research Center 128 ”Multiple Sclerosis”, and speaker of the disease-related competence network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS). He is the founder and principal investigator of the ”Body and Brain Institute” Muenster, a prestigious research building funded by the German Federal Ministry.


Selected publications:


1)                        Schneider-Hohendorf T*, Gerdes LA*, Pignolet B*, Gittelman R, Ostkamp P, Rubelt F, Raposo C, Tackenberg B, Riepenhausen M,   Janoschka C, Wünsch C, Bucciarelli F, Flierl-Hecht A, Beltrán E, Kümpfel T, Anslinger K, Gross CC, Chapman H, Kaplan I, Brassat D, Wekerle H, Kerschensteiner M, Klotz L, Lünemann JD, Hohlfeld R, Liblau R*, Wiendl H*, Schwab N*. (2022) Broader Epstein-Barr virus-specific T cell receptor repertoire in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Exp Med 219(11):e20220650. (*= equal contribution)

2)                        Ostkamp P, Deffner M, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Wünsch C, Lu IN, Wu GF, Goelz S, De Jager PL, Kuhlmann T, Gross CC, Klotz L, Meyer Zu Hörste G, Wiendl H*, Schneider-Hohendorf T*, Schwab N*. (2022) A single-cell analysis framework allows for characterization of CSF leukocytes and their tissue of origin in multiple sclerosis. Sci Transl Med. 14(673):eadc9778. (*= equal contribution)

3)                        Schulte-Mecklenbeck A*, Steinberg OV*, Wirth T*, Lauks S*, Bittner S*, Schindler P, Baranzini SE, Groppa S, Bellmann-Strobl J, Bünger N, Chien C, Dawin E, Eveslage M, Fleischer V, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Gisevius B, Haas J, Kerschensteiner M, Kirstein L, Korsukewitz C, Lohmann L, Lünemann JD, Luessi F, Meyer zu Hörste G, Motte J, Ruck T, Ruprecht K, Schwab N, Steffen F, Meuth SG, Paul F, Wildemann B, Kümpfel T, Gold R,  Hahn T, Zipp F, Klotz L*, Wiendl H*, KKNMS (2024) Multiple sclerosis endophenotypes identified by high-dimensional blood signatures are associated with distinct disease trajectories. Sci Transl Med. In Press. (* shared first/last authorship)

Immunology Seminar: Sirpa Jalkanen 5th March

March 5th online at 14 – 15 (Finland time)

Sirpa Jalkanen, Professor, Academician, University of Turku: The thrill of searching and joy of finding

Registration link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/819786AD6D640B9D
Register latest: March 4th at 12:00.

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  (ankahy[ät]utu.fi) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ), University of Turku.


Academician Sirpa Jalkanen, MD, PhD is Professor at the Medical Faculty, University of Turku. After her postdoctoral period at Stanford University, she has worked in different researcher positions at the University of Turku, Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare as well as the Academy of Finland.

The main interest of Sirpa Jalkanen’s research group has been in the mechanisms involved in harmful inflammations and cancer. Her group has identified several molecules, some of which are currently targeted in clinical trials. She has published more than 390 peer-reviewed papers and has more than 10 patents. She is an EMBO member and a member of Academia Europae and has received several awards and honours such as Eli Lilly award, Maud Kuistila Prize, Anders Jahre Prize, Äyräpää Prize, Klossner Medal, Datta Medal (from FEBS), the 2nd European Women Innovator Prize and the Finnish Pharma Industry Prize.

She has served at several positions of trust, for example, as a chair of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. She is currently a chair or vice chair of the board in three big Finnish Foundations financing research. She also served as a member of the board of Orion, the biggest pharmaceutical company in Finland for 10 years and has been a co-founder of two biotech companies – both publicly listed (New York, London and Helsinki stock markets).

Representative publications:

Tadayon S, Dunkel J, Takeda A, Halle O, Karikoski M, Gerke H, Rantakari P, Virtakoivu R, Pabst O, Salmi M, Hollmén M*, Jalkanen S*. Clever-1 contributes to lymphocyte entry into the spleen via the red pulp. Science Immunol 4:eaat0297, 2019. This paper reports identification of the first homing associated molecule guiding lymphocyte entrance into the spleen – searched for more than 20 years. Moreover, it demonstrates that lymphocytes also enter the spleen via the red pulp venules and not only via the marginal zone.

Takeda A, Hollmén M, Dermadi D, Pan J, Brulois KF, Kaukonen R, Lönnberg T, Boström P, Koskivuo I, Irjala H, Miyasaka M, Salmi M, Butcher EC, Jalkanen S. Single-cell survey of human lymphatics unveils unexpected heterogeneity and mechanisms of homing for neutrophils. Immunity 51:561-572, 2019. This paper uncovers marked heterogeneity among our lymph node lymphatics, demonstrates their anatomical localization and identifies mechanisms regulating neutrophil homing into the lymph nodes and their subsequent trapping there.

Jalkanen J, Pettilä V, Huttunen T, Hollmen M, Jalkanen S. Glucocorticoids Inhibit Type I IFN Beta Signaling and the Upregulation of CD73 in Human Lung. Intensive Care Med 46:1937-1940, 2020. Mechanistic elucidation, why corticosteroids should never be given together with IFN beta in inflammation.

Jalkanen J, Khan S, Elima K, Huttunen T, Wang N, Hollmén M, Elo LL, Jalkanen S. Polymorphism in interferon alpha/beta receptor contributes to glucocorticoid response and outcome of ARDS and COVID-19. Critical Care 27:112, 2023. Discovery of an unknown polymorphism having a marked effect on disease outcome of ARDS and COVID-19.

Immunology Seminar: Eliisa Kekäläinen, 5th December

December 5th, 2023, at 14 – 15 (Finland time)
Virtual event

Eliisa Kekäläinen, Translational Immunology Research Program, University of Helsinki & HUS Diagnostic Center, Helsinki University Hospital: “The thymus, thymopoiesis, and thymic pathologies – relevant only in rare diseases?”

Register latest Dec 4th at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/A9FF7AB612EC68AE

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  (ankahy[ät]utu.fi) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ), University of Turku.


Eliisa Kekäläinen, M.D. Ph.D., research group is based at the University of Helsinki, and is part of Translational Immunology Research Program. Eliisa Kekäläinen has wide interest in immunodeficiency diagnostics and immunological tolerance. Her research focuses especially on the primary immunological organ the thymus. She is interested in how e.g. common viral infections and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation affect thymus function, how they could better measure thymopoiesis in clinical situations, and what kind of pathological processes in the thymus lead to immunodysregulation in autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis. Eliisa Kekäläinen works also at the HUS Diagnostic Center Clinical Microbiology and Immunology (Helsinki University Hospital) where she mainly focuses on immunodeficiency laboratory diagnostics.

Selected publications:

  • Ilonen I, Kytö V, Kekäläinen E. Health Consequences of Thymus Removal in Adults. N Engl J Med. 2023 Nov 2;389(18):1725-1726. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2310640. PMID: 37913515.
  • Myllynen C, Sarkkinen J, Atula S, Tienari P, Kekäläinen E, Laakso SM. A skewed ratio of free light chains is more common in patients with late-onset than early-onset myasthenia gravis. Immunol Lett. 2023 Aug;260:81-88. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2023.07.001. Epub 2023 Jul 4. PMID: 37414259.
  • Sarkkinen J, Dunkel J, Tuulasvaara A, Huuskonen A, Atula S, Kekäläinen E, Laakso SM. Ectopic germinal centers in the thymus accurately predict prognosis of myasthenia gravis after thymectomy. Mod Pathol. 2022 Sep;35(9):1168-1174. doi: 10.1038/s41379-022-01070-2. Epub 2022 Mar 25. PMID: 35338262; PMCID: PMC9424113.
  • Hetemäki I, Kaustio M, Kinnunen M, Heikkilä N, Keskitalo S, Nowlan K, Miettinen S, Sarkkinen J, Glumoff V, Andersson N, Kettunen K, Vanhanen R, Nurmi K, Eklund KK, Dunkel J, Mäyränpää MI, Schlums H, Arstila TP, Kisand K, Bryceson YT, Peterson P, Otava U, Syrjänen J, Saarela J, Varjosalo M, Kekäläinen E. Loss-of-function mutation in IKZF2 leads to immunodeficiency with dysregulated germinal center reactions and reduction of MAIT cells. Sci Immunol. 2021 Nov 26;6(65):eabe3454. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abe3454. Epub 2021 Nov 26. PMID: 34826260.

Immunology seminar series: Liv Eidsmo, 14th November

November 14th, 2023, at 14-15 Finland time
Virtual event

Liv Eidsmo, MD, PhD, LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, Copenhagen, Denmark:

Maintenance and renewal of skin resident T cells in inflammatory skin diseases

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Registration latest November 13th at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/584ABB98FFE02F8F

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  (ankahy[ät]utu.fi) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ), University of Turku.


Liv Eidsmo is a board certified dermatologist, a Professor of Translational Skin Immunology and the Executive Director of the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center at the University of Copenhagen. Eidsmo graduated from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. Following a postdoc in Frank Carbone’s laboratory at Melbourne University in Australia, her first laboratory was established at the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) at Karolinska Institutet in parallel to clinical training in dermatology at Karolinska University Hospital. The current laboratory at University of Copenhagen focuses on how T cells residing in the skin drive local recurrence of diseases such as psoriasis and vitiligo.  https://sic.ku.dk/research/translational-skin-immunology/

Selected publications:

  • Human skin-resident CD8+ T cells require RUNX2 and RUNX3 for induction of cytotoxicity and expression of the integrin CD49a. Zitti B, Hoffer E, Zheng W, Pandey RV, Schlums H, Perinetti Casoni G, Fusi I, Nguyen L, Kärner J, Kokkinou E, Carrasco A, Gahm J, Ehrström M, Happaniemi S, Keita ÅV, Hedin CRH, Mjösberg J, Eidsmo L, Bryceson YT. Immunity. 2023 Jun 13;56(6):1285-1302.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.05.003.
  • Graded expression of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 marks differentiation states of human and murine T cells and enables cross-species interpretation. Zwijnenburg AJ, Pokharel J, Varnaitė R, Zheng W, Hoffer E, Shryki I, Comet NR, Ehrström M, Gredmark-Russ S, Eidsmo L, Gerlach C. Immunity. 2023 Aug 8;56(8):1955-1974.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.06.025.
  • T cells in resolved allergic contact dermatitis steer tissue inflammation and MMP-12-driven tissue modulation. Gallais Sérézal I, Tajpara P, Schonfeldt T, Ignatov B, Sortebech D, Hoffer E, Zhang T, Rooijackers E, Ehrström M, Nylén S, Matura M, Melican K, Eidsmo L. Allergy. 2022 Dec;77(12):3680-3683. doi: 10.1111/all.15484.
  • Long-term Outcomes and Prognosis in New-Onset Psoriasis. Svedbom A, Mallbris L, Larsson P, Nikamo P, Wolk K, Kjellman P, Sonkoly E, Eidsmo L, Lindqvist U, Ståhle M. JAMA Dermatol. 2021 Apr 14;157(6):1-8. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.0734.
  • A skewed pool of resident T cells triggers psoriasis-associated tissue responses in never-lesional skin from patients with psoriasis. Gallais Sérézal I, Hoffer E, Ignatov B, Martini E, Zitti B, Ehrström M, Eidsmo L. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Apr;143(4):1444-1454. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.08.048.

49th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology

Website: https://ssi2023.fi/


Immunology seminar series, Autumn 2023

February 7th at 14:00 – 15:00 (Finland time)

Virtual event

Luke O’Neill, Trinity College Dublin: Adventures in Immunometabolism Research

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Registration latest February 6th at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/C196B12841386EFF

March 7th at 14:00 – 15:00 (Finland time)

Virtual event

Federica Sallusto, Institute of Microbiology, ETH Zurich: ”Human T lymphocytes: differentiation, migration and immune regulation”

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi )

Registration latest March 6th at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/3DB3A046C68F1559


April 4th at 14:00 – 15:00 (Finland time)

Virtual event

Wilfried Ellmeier, Institute of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna: Histone deacetylases and the control of CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ( rilahes[ät]utu.fi ) )

Registration latest April 3rd at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/1CACC360E8233FFF


May 9th at 14:00 – 15:00 (Finland time)

Virtual event

John Todd, University of Oxford: ”From genetics to disease mechanisms to clinical trials in type 1 diabetes”

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa (rilahes@utu.fi )

Registration latest May 8th at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/9FE7447C1A28E71F


June 13th at 14:00 – 15:00 (Finland time)

Virtual event

Fiona Powrie, University of Oxford: TBA

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa (rilahes@utu.fi )

Registration latest June 12th at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/D08980F98591B2B7




Heikki Hyöty, Tampere University: ”Type 1 diabetes, enterovirus and prospects of vaccine development”

Registration latest Feb 28 at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/64C9EC43374D8B69

5.4. at 14.00 – 15.00

Bernard Malissen, Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy: ”Quantitative interactomics of the TCR signal-transduction network and of its co-inhibitors”

Registration latest Apr 4 at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/DABCBD92434374D1

3.5. at 14.00 – 15.00

Ludvig Sollid, University of Oslo: “Triggers and drivers of autoimmunity”
Registration latest May 2 at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/E8E36C4960A8B012

7.6. at 14.00 – 15.00

Marko Salmi, University of Turku: ”The lymph node as a filter”

Registration latest Jun 6 at: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/38514ADFC0B3B229

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä (ankahy@utu.fi) or Riitta Lahesmaa (rilahes@utu.fi), University of Turku.



48th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology and Summer School

June 12 – 15, 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland

The scientific programme will be covering recent advances in immunology. The format of the meeting will be constructed to promote scientific discussions, with State-of-the-Art lectures and oral presentations, selected from abstracts submitted. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters. This year the summer school will be combined with EFIS on Tour Symposium Series, and both will give PhD students and young scientists an excellent opportunity to update their knowledge.

Deadline of abstract submission: 15 March
Deadline of Travel Grant submission: 15 March
Early registration deadline: 1 May 2022

Visit SSI2022 homepage: https://ssi2022.is/